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A Gentle Way Of Exploring The Pain Of Losing Your Mother

A Gentle Way Of Exploring The Pain Of Living Without Your Mother

  • Are you struggling to deal with the loss of your mother?
  • Are you suffering in silence?
  • Are you having problems taking care of your wellbeing?
  • Are you missing your mum so much, that everything around you feels like it is falling apart?

Grief is inevitable, without a doubt.

Each one of us will experience grief more than once in our lifetime. Some grief experiences are very  painful. Losing your mother is one of those life changing grief experiences. Before I go on, please let me acknowledge that not all of us have or had a close, loving relationship with our mother. For those of you that did have that close, loving bond with your mother, you will know the pain that I am referring too .

When our mother dies, we miss all aspects of her being. We miss her physical touch. We miss the sound of her voice. We miss her gentle words of encouragement. We miss her sweet smile. We miss the strong bond that developed over many years. We miss everything about her. This is why grieving the loss of her is so unbearable.

UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF LOSING YOUR MOTHER – A GENTLE HEALING JOURNEY is a gentle way of exploring the pain of living without her.

The Healing Journey gives you:

  • The GIFT of being authentic and real with your grief and loss
  • The GIFT of honouring the sacred relationship with the “mother” energy
  • The GIFT of acknowledging the pain living inside you
  • The GIFT of honouring your mother’s death in the essence of love and sorrow
  • The GIFT of letting go of some the heaviness of grief that envelopes your heart
  • The GIFT of being true to yourself and no longer suffering in silence
  • The GIFT of no longer avoiding, denying or resisting your grief
  • The GIFT of understanding and transforming the loss into a new kind of love
  • The GIFT of being honest with your feelings and emotions
  • The GIFT of dancing with your grief
  • The GIFT of exploring self-care in the midst of grief and loss
  • The GIFT of “TIME”. Time to explore your grief at your own pace
  • The GIFT of embracing the love of your mother
  • The GIFT of exploring how her death has impacted you

Going into our pain is one of the most confronting things that we will ever do. Most often we run from our feelings, but when you stop running and allow yourself to feel and acknowledge your pain, something shifts. 

If you choose to embark on the Healing Journey, you will gain so much awareness of the pain living inside you. Each exercise is designed to be reflective, experiential and gentle, providing space to acknowledge and reflect on your grief and loss.  It will be painful, but it will be worth it.

Understanding The Impact Of Losing Your Mother – A Gentle Healing Journey


Wow, what a journey!

Anyone who has experienced the loss of a Mother would benefit from completing “Understanding the Impact of Losing your Mother – A Gentle Healing Journey. I started my healing journey just after my mother’s 3 year passing anniversary. It was clearly the right time to start dealing with my grief. I had almost hit rock bottom. My work life was fantastic however my personal life was on a fast-downward spiral.

It may have taken me much longer to complete my healing journey but that’s ok, cause we all deal with grief differently. Peeling away barriers like an onion is extremely hard but the healing journey allowed me to reflect and re-discover myself in a safe and comfortable way and in my own time! I discovered things about myself that I did not realise. I even found myself identifying and agreeing with Bernadette in her grief, I felt like I was turning a page in my own grief book.

Bernadette, thank you for putting together an online healing course which allows you to reflect and work with grief in an honest and positive way. It may have taken me more than 28 days and I may have walked away from a few days more than once, but it also gave me the strength to come back and deal with my grief in my own time.

I can’t speak highly enough about “Understanding the Impact of Losing your Mother – A Gentle Healing Journey. It’s a journey that I am glad I took!

Lyndell (Australia)

A gentle way of exploring the pain of losing your mother

Download your FREE Release and Let Go Guided Meditation

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Comments (5)

Emilia Odowuike

I am interested in this.

Hi Emilia,

Thank you for your interest. I will send you a private email with all of the details.

Bernadette x

I don’t know if this is where I sign up for this healing journey. I lost my Mom 8 days ago and I just don’t think I will survive the s.

Hi Diane, firstly can I please acknowledge the loss of your mother. I think one of the hardest things we ever do in this lifetime is lose our mother, especially when we had such a close bond with her. If you’d like to take a look at the course in more detail, go to the courses tab and read through the course content. If you would like to purchase the course you can do this from the courses page or from the shop. Eight days may be to soon to be doing this healing journey and honestly maybe you may need a bit of time to be present with your loss. If you did purchase the course and you didn’t feel ready (which you probably won’t be this soon after losing your mother), then maybe you could do it at a later date. Feel free to contact me via my Dear Mum in Heaven Facebook page, if you need someone to chat too. Sending you the biggest hug during this difficult time in your life. xoxo

Dear Emilia,

The email I sent you keeps bouncing back to me.

Thank you for your interest in “Understanding the Impact of Losing Your Mother – A 28 Day Healing Journey”.

I lost my mother nearly 6 years ago and it changed my life forever.

The pain was so unbearable some days, that I struggled to even exist. After four years of living without my mother, I consciously chose to explore my pain more deeply. I was surprised at how healing it was to acknowledge, feel and honour the pain of losing my beautiful, dearest mother. “Understanding the Impact of Losing Your Mother – A 28 Day Healing Journey” is all about acknowledging, understanding and honouring our pain, with the intention of gentle healing. Healing is different for each of us (I don’t believe that we ever get over losing our mother, but we learn to build our life around the pain – we will never forget her).

My own personal experience inspired me to write “Understanding the Impact of Losing Your Mother – A 28 Day Healing Journey” an online experience , so that others could explore their pain in the comfort of their own home. As part of the course, I also offer a Facebook Support Group . I am available for support via private message through my Dear Mum in Heaven Facebook page

Please feel free to take a further look at my website for more details. You can register and start the course straight away through the website.

If you have any questions whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Much Love,

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