I absolutely love this idea of manifesting using your chakras. I found this information about 9 years ago from a book called Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith.
Maybe you could spend some time manifesting using her concept below.
Have fun manifesting…….
Crown – This is where we have the idea or concept (The idea)
Third eye – This is where the idea becomes a set of images (We see the idea)
Throat – The idea is then communicated to other in a form of a story (We communicate the idea)
Heart – As the idea further develops and others get involved – we enter a set of relationships (We share the ideas with others)
Solar Plexis – This is where we give it all our will and energy (We emotional attach to the idea by giving it energy)
Naval – Rehearsing the movement and bringing its concepts and physical ailments together (We bring the idea into reality)
Base – This is where we manifest the play on the physical plane in front of an audience (The idea is now alive in the physical world)
Wheels of Life – Anodea Judith